Monday, January 14, 2013

What do you think is the current best android smartphone?

Q. My Xperia X10's contract is nearly finished so I want a new android smartphone.
Which do you think is the best?
I'm thinking Samsung Galaxy S...?
What do you guys think?

A. Samsung galaxy S is still amazing despite being a year old. I think it retails around £220 now but still beats HTC desire S which is £100 more and all the phone within its price group.
However if you got the extra cash then go for the Samsung galaxy S II. They have improved upon the sgs in every single category. Its not like apple where they just made minor changes and then made it out like its evolutionary.

How to manage financial transactions in android smartphone?
Q. How to manage financial transactions in android smartphone?

A. I would highly recommend you to check this article out:

It includes the top financial apps for android which would suit best for your needs.
Hope that helps!

Should I get an Android tablet or Android smartphone?
Q. Should I get an Android tablet or Android smartphone? I've never had a cell/smart phone before because I don't call people and people don't call me, but I want to break into Android and start developing some apps.

Which would be my best option?

A. Tablet will be good for wanting to develop some apps, only thing they are a bit hard to take and carry around with you, if you get the android smartphone, it will still work for you, but wont be as great for your needs, but it will be super easy to take around with you(:

What Android smartphone would you recommend?
Q. I'm getting a smartphone soon, and I was thinking perhaps the HTC One X+ just because I like the design and it looks pretty good for performance. Do you recommend any other android smartphone?
How is the S3? And also, do any of you have any idea if the One X+ comes in white like the One X does?

Thanks for any help.

A. I would go with the One X+, it has better camera, performance and the LCD 2 display is much crisper and brighter than the Galaxy S3's, when you tilt it to the side it almost looks like the icons are floating on top of the screen. Some people complain that they need an Sd-Card slot on their phone but if you don't have a class 10 high speed card your phone is going to seem laggy especially since you are saving most of the app data onto the card. These cards are relativity expensive, a high quality class 10 32 gb micro-sd is going to set you back another 70-80 bucks at the least if you want the galaxy s3 to match the memory on the HTC One X+. With the HTC One X+ you wont have to worry about that because it comes with a beefy 64gb high speed memory chip inside the device itself. The build quality on the HTC One X+ is also much better than that of the S3's, the battery cover on the S3 is really flimsy. The HTC one X+ also gets jelly bean out of the box as the person before me mentioned and is more likely to get updates faster than the S3 since the S4 is due out early next year. The USA verison of the Galaxy S3 only has a dual core while the HTC one X+ has a renewed version of the Tegra 3 quad core, so not only will it have almost twice the performance of the GS3 but you also get longer lasting battery due to the Tegra 3 being extremely energy efficient especially when idle.

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