Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How do you know which classes to use in the API reference when developing android apps?

Q. I am just starting to developed android apps. I have installed the android SDK. I'm just confused on how to understand the reference documentation when it come to choosing the different classes when building an app. Can some explain to me how to use the documentation? Thanks

A. I took a class last semester on developing android apps. They have good tutorials on their website to get you started. I find it difficult and frustrating to actually go through the APIs and try to piece it all together. I think you're better off going through as many tutorials as possible and see how others use specific classes. From experience, android has a lot of random lines of code that are needed to get things to work and it is in no way self explanatory unless you are an expert. The link I provided should get you on the right path though. Programming android is actually fairly easy though.

How can I download Android apps from my computer to phone?
Q. When I go to the Android apps site and try to download an app it tells me I don't have any smart phones linked to my E-mail address.... How can I get apps for my phone with out having to use internet on my phone?

A. to download apps from android market you need a google account & have it linked to your phone.
one other way is to download from another app site to you pc & then side load onto your phone.
some places like 4shared, approb or will allow you to download to your pc just as you would any other file. android apps will have ".apk" at the end of the app name, like "madden11.apk"
just drag & drop the downloaded file to the root folder of your phone. if you dont know how to side load or install from your sd card using a file manager i suggest you look here for help

I want to make android apps, where do i start?
Q. I'm a 2nd year college student and I just finished learning Java pretty well. I heard that android apps use java, so what else do I need to learn and/or download? I have no experience creating apps. Does anyone have any recommendations for video tutorials or books?

A. There are at least a couple of different Android for Dummies books (you can find specific titles on Apress puts out a book called Android Apps for Absolute Beginners which you might also find useful.

What is the most used programming language to build Android apps?
Q. I am going to college very soon to learn web design but aside I want to teach my self to build Android apps. I read that they use JavaScript to build those apps. My question is: Is JavaScript the most used language to build Android apps? What are other commonly used languages to build Android apps? Thanks

A. Java is used to build Android apps, not Javascript! Using Java and the Android SDK is the way most apps are written. Java is a core language for Android and gives you access at a hardware level, which is preferred by allot of programmers. If you wanted something a little more simple which is easier to use then you can use the Corona SDK, a powerful and easy to use programming tool which takes allot of work out of programming in Java, you can also build any app for iOS as well. Corona SDK uses LUA as the main programming language and is in general a much easier language to use. You can use Java and the Android SDK or LUA and the Corona SDK.

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